So it's never too late to post some cute pictures and give a long update. As you all know I was not able to run the half marathon but Brooke did so we still got to go to Moab for the weekend and we had so much fun. Kai and Eli are really fun to watch Kai doesn't have a ton of child interaction so he was showing off and I think might have been a little much for Eli at times but Eli was a good sport. We had a lot of fun with Brooke and Brady in town and the weather in Moab could not have been better I am with Brooke when she said she misses it, I love it there. Montana trip was just two weeks later, we started our drive in between Saturday conference session and managed to listen to the full afternoon session before we totally lost radio signal. My moms brother lives in Philipsburg, MT. It is a beautiful place to visit and live. Honestly if I could convince JR to become a rancher I would move there. The scenery is beautiful, life seems simple, although I know that is not the case all the time, it is hard work but man the surroundings are well worth it I think. We went snowmobiling on their property so not a sole in sight, we hung out at the house with all the animals Kai took particular interest in their indoor cat and now all he can say when he sees an animal is "kitty". I think he really missed that cat cause the first morning home I went to get him out of bed and he looked past me and kept say "kitty, kitty". My uncle Clark and his wife Nancy have two kids that we LOVE and were so good with Kai. Brian is almost 6 and Rachel turned 4 while we were there so we got to celebrate with her. We also went to a hot springs pool with all of them the last night we were there even my uncle made time to come and that I know was a sacrifice for him and Nancy's sister that helps out at the ranch so thank you for that it was nice to have Clark there. I miss P-town more than Moab it was one of the best vacations I have had in a long time. Now to Easter I don't have much to say about it Kai had fun eating candy and opening eggs, we went to JR's Aunts house for dinner and had the best bbq chicken I have had in a long time, then after some of the family had a foam gun war that I stayed away from (his family is sooooo competitive) I would just rather cheer them on, although I know some of them probably think I am lame for not wanting to take part. Anyways sorry such a long post just wanted to get everything I remember down, which reminds me when we try to get Kai to say I love you he says bokey whatever that is but he says it every night when we tell him to tell Grandma he loves her and goodnight he just says bokey it really is cute I just don't want to forget it. Hope everyone's lifes are going well love ya all.